Alright, this is my second post featuring my sponsor, KHB (Kenapa Harus Baru). Guess which stuff is from KHB! That stuff is....... *drumrolls* the plaids skirt! And it's TOPSHOP! Feel so lucky, cuz it's still in a very good condition, and it fits me really well. LOVE!
I know, it's my first post of having my hair tied up a.k.a ponytail. Do I look weird? I'm afraid so -_-
And this ubercool top is from the last SUMMER WIPE OUT at Ninotchka, from Anastasia Siantar's booth! Love the details <3
SEEEEE! IS THIS COOL OR WHAT! I'm officially a fan of you, KHB ;)
What I wore: top - last summer wipe out (Anastasia Siantar's booth) ; TOPSHOP skirt - Kenapa Harus Baru (KHB) ; charm bracelets - Cotton On ; creepers - New Look
You can visit Kenapa Harus Baru (KHB) at:
Twitter: @KHBdotcom
Instagram: @kenapaharusbaru
Facebook: Kenapa Harus Baru
What are you waiting for? SHOP NOWWW!
See you on my next post (outfit #3)!